Pavilion Reservation

 Camelot Pool Pavilion Rental

Normal operating hours

The club facilities are available to members and non-members for parties and special events.

1. Private parties must be scheduled through the Club. Party dates will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. The master calendar in the club office shall be the official record for scheduling purposes. 

 2. Appropriate fees shall be charged. The Club shall decide what staff shall be required based on the number of party guests, age of guests, etc. 

3. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at all times. Smoking is not allowed on the pool deck. All paper products, etc., must be provided by the host. 

4. For parties given for young people, it is expected that adequate chaperoning will be provided by the host(s). 

5. Guests are defined as people attending the party who are not current members of Camelot Pool. If young children are the guests, a non-swimming parent may accompany the guest at no-charge as long as the adult is not planning to swim. Swimming parents should be included in your party guest fees. 

6. Time limit:  2 hours maximum.  30 minutes before and 30 minutes afterwards will be allowed for set up/clean up (3 hours total).  Any time before that time, other members have the right to be in the area.

Camelot Pool Pavilion After hours 

Parties After Hours After hour parties require notification of at least 1 week. A manager is required at all times! Available most evenings, Sunday-Saturday, 8:30 pm- 10:30 pm. Music must be turned off by 10:00 pm. No alcohol or tobacco use. Base cost is $150 with additional charge for pool manager/lifeguard(s) salary, depending on how many guests attend. (One lifeguard is required for every 15 swimmers.)   A deposit of 50% of all fees is required at the time the pool is reserved. This deposit will be refunded if 24 hours notice of cancellation is given, or if inclement weather occurs preventing the pool from opening. It is expected that all remaining fees be paid the day of the event. This payment will be paid to the manager on site. It is expected that all party participants be made aware by the host of all posted rules and policies. Private after hour parties shall last no later than 10:30 pm.